
Serhan Meewisse (1991) is an award winning Utrecht-based filmmaker whose work moves between the fields of corporate, music, fashion and sports.
He is on a mission to explore the boundaries in synchronicity between moving images and sound to fully emerge his audience.
Utilizing high-end cinema cameras, drone technology and extensive post production techniques from the Lauwerhof water tower in the heart of Utrecht.

Over the years Serhan Meewisse’s energetic and detailed work has reached millions of people worldwide but is above all a highly personal study of social subjects, his perception and  view of the world.
Serhan’s work has been featured by national and internationally renowned online platforms such as The Huffington Post, Flabber, Ainanas, Ballinnn, DesignFather, Froot, Adformatie & The Pill Magazine.

His work has been exhibited in Amsterdam and Kyiv and was a finalist in the BUMA/STEMRA music in motion 2015.
In 2008 he started his studies at the Interactive Media Institute (HvA Amsterdam) and continues his research in Image and Media technology at the Utrecht school of Arts. In 2017 he finished the advanced color science masterclass at the ARRI academy in Munich.

In 2014 he co-founded SoulSafari Collective and worked at the Amsterdam-based production agency Eyeforce.
Since 2017 he works as a freelance cinematographer and colorist. He does what he loves. And loves what he does.

KLM I Staples I Wessanen | Schiphol | Continental | Miss Etam | G STAR | Amazon | Vogelbescherming I FILM1 | YouTube | AkzoNobel | Ozora Festival | Summer Never Ends Festival | Sepehr Maghsoudi I Ace Ventura | Tristan | ColourCake | IronHack| SuperSolid

EYE Film museum | Amsterdam
Radeon Subnight | Amsterdam
Travel Film Expo | Kyiv


Sony FS7 - Masterclass | 2018
Artistic potential of aerial robotics | 2015
DSLR Cinematography Masterclass | 2011
UPCOMING: The Art of color | 2019

Film Festival selections
Fashion Film Festival I Berlin I 2016
BITFF International film festival | Azerbaijan | 2016

YouTube Partner video contest | 2011

GOLD | 48h project  - BEST FILM | Koeman [2018]
GOLD | 48h project  - BEST FILM | Masterclass [2018]
GOLD | 48h project  - BEST Cinematography | Masterclass [2018]
SILVER | BUMA/STEMRA Music in Motion 2015 I On top of the World

The Huffington Post

The Pill Magazine

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